Further Reading
“What is a Carbon Footprint?” - The Guardian
“Environmental Cost of Shipping Groceries Around The World” - New York Times
“The Environmental Impact of Alcohol” - E Magazine
“This is how Bad Alcohol is for the Planet” - Vice
“The Impact of Alcohol Production” - Blue and Green Tomorrow
“What Kind of Booze is Best for the Planet?” - Mother Jones
“Food Product Environmental Footprint Limited Study - Citrus” - State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
“Estimating the Carbon Footprint of Florida Orange Juice” - Thomas H. Spreen, University of Florida
“Carbon and Water Footprint of Oranges and Strawberries” - Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Swiss Confederation
“Environmental Assessment of Organic Juices Imported to Denmark” - Organic Agriculture
“Carbon Footprint of Sugar Production in Mexico” - Journal of Cleaner Production
“The Carbon Footprint of Sugar:” - Peter Rein, Zukerindustrie
“The Carbon Footprints of Sugar Production” - The Green Ration Book
“The Alcohol We Drink and it’s Contribution to the UK’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions” - Tara Garnett, Centre for Environmental Strategy
“Sustainability Strategy for the Agave-Tequila Production Chain” - Centro Mario Molina
“Emission Factor Documentation - Wines and Brandy”- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
“Thats’s The Spirit: A Guide to Sustainable Liquor” - Grist.com
“Knowing Our Footprint” - Diageo
Johnnie Walker
Captain Morgan